Monday, January 4, 2021

A Look Through Time



The steel blade approaches, 

wooing a cadaver from 

the gray metal table.

Alphabetic artistry opens

its chest cavity. 

Filleted – exposed.

A transparency known 

only to the dead,

carefully extracted secrets

lay barren.

Memory by memory.

Tear by tear. 

Hurt by hurt

skillfully removed,

weighed and balanced.

In the shadows lie 

a reminder of what was. 

What is kept is truth: 





              1 Thess 4: 13-18  . . . wherefore comfort one another with these words.

In this present life, death presents a stark reality, perhaps even a brutal finality, taking all joy and hope -and offering what remains as its final destination; a life shrouded in fear. Death’s wake may trigger insurmountable sadness and uncertainty. It’s hard for people to see anything positive, any hopeful outcome, when dreams are pinned on people, possessions, and passions of this world. 

My friend, life hand will hand you attractive, yet life sucking elements to enjoy - but they'll leave you empty, eventually decay, and one day be no more.

As Christians we are IN this world but not OF this world; our mindset is and should be - entirely different! We shouldn’t be afraid of death, stake our life’s outcome in government leaders, or policy, but in the unshakable truth of God’s word. 

 If by some chance you aren’t familiar with the Hope I’m referring to, I encourage you to reach out (to me) for further discussion and clarity so that when you come to the end of life, when you take your last breath, you're not filled with dread or fearfulness, but with the wonderful knowledge of where your journey has brought you: into the loving arms of your heavenly Father. 

The Gospel offers hope, love, and everlasting life rooted in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. 

I pray you experience this Hope and embrace the peace that only He can give.

1 comment:

  1. The grave holds no victory, the grave no sting when we have our hope in Jesus!


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