During certain seasons of my life, either right before the turn of a new year, or directly afterward, the Lord will whisper a directive into my spirit. Sometimes just one word. Other times, an unction, a prompting - like something I was supposed to be involved in or accomplish would unveil itself.
I'm not trying to sound 'ookey, spookey,' but I will say that when you discipline yourself to spend consistent time with The Lord, he will speak to you; be it a still small voice, or directly through scripture.
At the close of 2024 I'd been seeking God - ear to the ground. Okay, well not exactly my ear to the ground, but you get the idea. I was intentionally focused on hearing His voice. I fasted, eliminated distractions, and beefed up my scripture reading.
While in prayer one morning, I felt the Lord’s nudge, as he whispered with the word ‘alignment.’
Hmmm, Lord – what are you trying to tell me? 👀
While musing this word, the answer came while I sipped a steamy cup of green tea.🌞
Alignment. There it was again, whispered to my spirit, like a still small voice.
I continued sipping my tea, enjoying the sweet frothy almond milk crown, (- Starbucks has nothing on me - 😆) mining bible study apps to break down this word. I found 'alignment' surprisingly apropos to many life circumstances - not just in car repair shops, or chiropractors, as I’d previously understood.
What did I know about alignment? From a practical perspective, as a young child I observed my dad fiddle with the family car, change tires, work on the brakes and change the oil. Occasionally, he'd say the car needs to be 'aligned.'
So, let’s talk about alignment.
By definition, to align means to be in or come into precise adjustment or correct relative position.
In its truest sense, being in alignment is about everything working in harmony. (Being in correct relative position.) Whether it’s your spiritual walk, your body, mind, or emotions, being in alignment is important!
Let me share why this idea isn’t just a lofty concept but something profoundly practical for everyone, from college grads to professionals and wisdom-filled elders. (Elder, hey that’s me – Hehe! 😊)
What Printers, Cars, and Timing Belts Teach Us
Alignment isn’t just a human issue; it’s a principle that governs systems everywhere. When I mentioned the word alignment to my husband Jeff, I referred to it as getting my tires ‘aligned.’
He looked at me endearingly, then laughed out loud, (probably like you just did.) He then began to unpack exactly what needed to be done during a car alignment, and the reasons why a car should be aligned. (In the end it saves your tires and saves you money!)
(This guy will definitely need an alignment!)
What followed was a dialog about things that need alignment; Jeff gave good points on mechanics, while I veered off to the world of writing: printers need paper alignment, margins need alignment, etc.
And as we talked, I felt the Lord leading me to a deeper more comprehensive understanding. Let’s look at a few ways alignment shows up in our lives and why it matters so much.
Mental Alignment: Clear Your Mind
Ever feel like your thoughts are running in a million different directions?🏃🏃🏃🏃
Mental alignment is about focusing your energy on a specific task or goal. Take a student, for example, who wants to make an ‘A’ on an exam. They create a study schedule, eliminate distractions, and stick to it. That’s mental alignment in action. 🤔🤔
Excess mental stimulation can cause brain fog, uncertainty, and indecision. All too often our minds are cluttered and distracted with voices from social media, talk shows, sports shows, politics and entertainment. Spending too much time in media can tank your mental focus and attitude. Studies suggest that social media consumption as well as entertainment are leading causes of internal dissatisfaction among our youth. Don’t lose hope, though. The ‘misalignment’ in our mental thoughts can be remedied.
You may be wondering how is this possible, I’m so anxious?
By aligning our thoughts to truth, studying the Bible, memorizing scripture and cultivating a relationship with Jesus, our thoughts can be transformed and re-aligned for His purpose. Paul says it a couple of different ways:
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whosever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phil 4:8 📕
Paul also recommends that we cast down imaginations . . . . and bring every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor 10:5
Bring every thought to the subjection of Christ Jesus. That is powerful!
These verses show us how to bring our thought life, i.e. our mental attitude, into alignment. When we think of pure things, that edify, build up - that bring praise, and thoughts that are true, we are realigning ourselves to Him – to Truth. By examining our thought life, we can see if they (our thoughts) are of God and/or whether they're in alignment.
Peter said it this way: Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace, that is to be brought unto you . . . 1 Peter 1:13. In other words, get your thoughts aligned: guard your mind, be earnest in thought, and continue in hope for the grace extended to you.
Mental alignment brings clarity, discipline, and a sense of purpose to our often-chaotic lives.
Emotional Alignment: Feel What You Feel (Be angry but sin not)
We’ve all been there: we bottle our emotions or let them explode at the wrong time. Emotional alignment means being honest with yourself about what you’re feeling and expressing it in a way that’s biblically constructive. Scripture says that if a brother has resentment (or anger/hatred) against his brother, he should go to his brother and resolve the issue, BEFORE coming to the altar and offering prayer. (gift) Matthew 5:23.
Imagine having an open, heartfelt conversation with a loved one instead of harboring resentment. That’s emotional alignment. (Being in correct relative position.)
Further, when Peter asks Jesus how often he has to forgive his brother - eluding to seven times, Jesus' replied -> seventy times that! Meaning, as many times as you need to forgive, Peter, forgive in the name of Jesus. (Matthew 18:21)
What we 'feel' is just that = feelings. Emotional alignment, however, is about cultivating balance between feelings and actions. We can feel 'mad,' but harboring resentment is a sin - and sin separates us from God.
Peter may have been ticked off at the other disciples for not 'pulling their weight,' who knows? The point is, like Peter, we need to align our anger - our emotions, in a way that pleases God.
The God of the universe created you, with all your quirks, and wittiness and even the parts of you, that you don't like.
And He is the one who desires to bring you into (emotional) alignment with Him.
How you think, feel, and process emotions impact your spiritual growth. That is why it is important to know the Word; what is true. Your emotions and feelings may try to tell you one thing, but the word of God will speak WHAT IS TRUE.
Reading and memorizing scripture will help you process your feelings and bring emotional alignment. As you read the Word, and share your struggles in prayer, He will speak to you - bring clarity, strength - and peace. THAT's emotional alignment!
Physical Alignment: For the Love of a Good Chiropractor!
Ever had a stiff neck or a nagging backache after sitting hunched over a screen for hours? Pretty much that’s half America these days! Those small aches are a signal -> your body is crying out for alignment. Good posture—shoulders back, spine straight, head held high— is not just about looking confident. It’s about reducing strain on your muscles and joints. When you consistently submit yourself to regular ‘spinal alignment’ you’ll reap the benefits in mobility.
In like manner, submitting to a regular 'spiritual alignment' with church attendance and worship helps readjust our hearts and minds from the barrage of debauchery we're exposed to throughout our work week. What corrective subluxation is to the spine - a 'spiritual adjustment' is to the soul: we must align ourselves with what is truly important in life: our relationship with God, and the spiritual authority God places in our life to lead us and teach us, commonly known as a pastor.
The Spiritual Significance of Alignment
It Matters
I like to refer ‘alignment’ as maintaining homeostasis. Homeostasis is my internal thermostat: it regulates how I balance my day, week, month – basically every part of my life. It is my internal radar checking me to see if I’m ‘off’ somewhere – what I’ve lacked, or what I need to change to bring back order or re-balance (like a front-end alignment.)
It’s not about achieving some impossible standard (although I do believe we need solid standards – more on that later); it’s about recognizing when things feel off and taking steps to get back on track.
When you’re spiritually aligned, life can throw hardships your way, but because you've submitted to 'regular alignments,' and consecrated yourself through biblical teaching, you're less likely to experience the woeful pain of being permanently 'disjointed'.
Whether it’s straightening your posture, or clarifying your goals, know this: being aligned in every other area of life will not have the same impact as spiritual alignment.
-At its core, alignment - in the sense of Christian living, is a deeply spiritual concept. It's both an art and a practice, requiring humility and submission. And by living and aligning yourself to the wisdom and direction of your pastor, and the Word of God, your heart can maintain spiritual alignment.
So, take a moment to reflect on your life.
Is your 'gait' off? Do you need to 'course correct?'
Getting a 'spiritual adjustment' and maintaining your alignment with the body of Christ and leadership, is the best prescription for a healthy heart!
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