Friday, January 10, 2025

A Brick, A Trowel, and Blood ~ Revisted

Colossians 4:6 – Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
Be mindful when among people you don’t agree; the influence of an unruly tongue can certainly whelp a tender heart.

How do you build a bridge when a heart is wounded? Pheromones rise through porous skin, emitting fear of danger - in the distance, a cry of the wounded echoes. 

Where does healing come when an unexpected gut punch renders the mind paralyzed; thoughts charge like C4. An emotional sledgehammer implodes paper, weighing the soul, keeping captive unprocessed, unpacked baggage.

How do you offer up pain? Tattered fragments of a cherished memory lay draped in ice; unspoken words frost the undoing of a special event? 

When expectations are not reality, how do we move forward? Are we handcuffed to our mistakes, failures, or indiscretions?   

 Where’s Grace? Where’s the cross and the kindness Jesus spoke about? How do we apply it to our lives, to each individual situation? How do the supernatural gifts of the Spirit level the ground of our indifferences? 

Here’s how . . .

When God looked across the sea of humanity – through all time and space, He saw a span of faces, and years passing through time; He saw the months and saw each day.  

He saw TODAY- before 'it' happened and planted Himself right in the middle of it. He watched.  He listened to each heated discussion, hoping to move healing along. 

Like the river in the Garden of Eden gave nutrients and vitality to all living things, so too does the washing of His Spirit. 

So, how do you build a 'bridge' when a fallout from disappointment has fractured relations? 

You start with a 'brick' laden with the Spirit. Trowel it with The Blood. 
Nestle each one closely - where even the slightest irregularity or margin of unevenness will seemingly autocorrect under the weight of the Blood-dipped trowel. 
Rinse the residue of resentment and unforgiving particles of bitterness, in the cleansing water of renewal.  Repeat the action until the Bridge is restored. 

When you experience an interruption to inner peace due to conflict, remember Jesus was quick to grab a towel, humble himself, and rebuild a bridge - one relationship at a time. 

Let 2025 be the year of reconciliation and repair for those who've mistakenly burned bridges, walked away, or disconnected themselves from loved ones. Allow God's love to embrace your wounds, restore inner peace, and bring healing.

Need an Alignment?

During certain seasons of my life, either right before the turn of a new year, or directly afterward, the Lord will whisper a directive into...