Thursday, April 26, 2018

Why I Do, What I Do.

Ellerie Drew
"Do you eat like that every day?" The question came to me as I prepped my lunch during a normal work day.

"Like what?" I responded straight-faced. I already knew what the person was thinking, but really, I wanted them to work for it.

"Well, you know, diet food stuff." My coworker, an overweight middle-aged woman with premature gray, dons the stress and hardships of her life like a mantel, a badge of honor.  She's "earned every gray hair and every wrinkle."  Though we are virtually the same age, she looks a decade older. She opens a small bag of chips and begins to eat, and I hear the snap-whoosh noise as she pops the top of her soda.

"I'm not on a diet." I explain, "I just eat to be healthy." This is my classic response. Every. single. time.
Everley Shay

My coworker often complained of swollen fingers and body aches and was always yawning, saying how tired she was. She continued munching her chips, then reached for her purse pulling out a small bottle of Tylenol. Guessing she had a headache, I watched while eating my lunch: a cup of homemade soup, and a 'Greenwich,' my version of a sandwich: shredded chicken seasoned with herbs and spices layered between large Romain leaves. On occasion, I'd bring in chili or leftovers-even sweets made with healthier ingredients.

"I just can't eat that stuff! I don't like anything green, it don't agree with me. Yeah, it's people like you that get to eat what you isn't fair."

The above scenario was a common one throughout my work history. As I stood my ground for health, there was always somebody around to undermine the 'weird' choices I made when it came to eating. The truth is, I never let their opinions sway me. You see, when it comes right down to it, I do what I do for a reason.

"What is that reason?"

I'm glad you asked.

I've had many people ask me over the years, "Why do you eat that way?" or "Do you really enjoy eating like that?" (referring to limitations I impose on myself.)  It's not because my metabolism is uber-high and I never gain weight, or that I've never struggled with food issues or weight gain.  The reason I try to live an active lifestyle is not merely to look healthy or feel well in my body; those are by-products of good health, and also great reasons, but it's not my "Why."

Simply put, my desire to live a healthy life is directly tied to enlarging the Kingdom of God. If I am not in my best health, what is optimum for me, then I will not be able to advance His purpose.

As a young Christian, I read and studied the bible, believing in its powerful principles. When I happened upon the verse in 1 Corinthians 6:19, where Paul speaks about our bodies being the temple of the Holy Ghost, I immediately was convicted in my heart. I knew the Lord was talking to me about lifestyle changes and habits. (*This was after I'd been saved.) Thus began my walk in Christian discipline. Through prayer and consecration, God helped me (and continues to help me) live a life devoted to spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. When we live a life of discipline, we are balanced, and we are (made) whole. When we walk in wholeness, we have purpose and confidence, and the world is drawn to us. What an awesome opportunity we have to share our faith when people notice our (healthy) lifestyle!

To that end, my family and (now) my grandchildren need me to stay healthy. One day, my grandchildren will hear how "Lola" (Yours Truly) came to know the Truth. They will learn she is a first-generation Apostolic and hear some pretty amazing stories about her conversion into a holiness lifestyle; they will see her continue to work for God as he gives her strength; they will learn by observation, participation, and conversation how living for God is an all-encompassing lifestyle; that it is, and can be exciting, fun, and active!

Ultimately, they will learn how the energy God gives us through a disciplined life can help us vigorously pursue His passion...AND impart it to the next generation.

I do what I do, for His Kingdom and for His cause. (Pass the carrot hummus this way, please.)

A Brick, A Trowel, and Blood ~ Revisted

Colossians 4:6 – Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. Be mindful whe...