Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Yet -a "C" does not define me-Revisited

A "C" does not define me
it only serves to try me,
to gain attention of a higher grade.

It wittles and it tries me,
and often does it buy me
much added tension
to my stress filled day.

No, a "C" does not yet thrill me,
but hardly will it kill me,
therein is the element of pride . . .
for a "C' will just afford me,
a level of generality-
and therein -will I choose not to abide.

Ode To MAT 1033

Numbers are members
to an exclusive club,
filled with Algebraic expressions
Trigonometry and stuff.

They talk of equations
polynomial - and - linear,
with trinomial factors
causing exponential fear.

Numbers are members
a sect of their own,
hard to compete with
and bad to the bone.

They build the tall buildings
they medicate the sick,
they teach the young children
to measure with a 'stick.'

Numbers are members
-for this club I seek,
I study and I mingle
for a chance to compete;

and give numbers a chance
to take hold of my brain,
and help me succeed -
in this mathematical game.

Numbers are members . . .
maybe one day - I'll be.

Friday, February 13, 2009

a "C" does not define me.

The Lettering - that teachers bring
their students, after test-
dispells the myth, much to their wit
they did not give 'their best.'

For such a grade - will so display
a triumphant bold decree-
victor or victorious,
or plain mediocrity.

But, to the dismay
of those who lay
beside their books -pre-test,
it may be
the letter - "C"
does not define 'your best.'

A Brick, A Trowel, and Blood ~ Revisted

Colossians 4:6 – Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. Be mindful whe...