Saturday, February 15, 2025

Need an Alignment?

During certain seasons of my life, either right before the turn of a new year, or directly afterward, the Lord will whisper a directive into my spirit. Sometimes just one word. Other times, an unction, a prompting - like something I was supposed to be involved in or accomplish would unveil itself. 

I'm not trying to sound 'ookey, spookey,' but I will say that when you discipline yourself to spend consistent time with The Lord, he will speak to you; be it a still small voice, or directly through scripture. 

At the close of 2024 I'd been seeking God - ear to the ground. Okay, well not exactly my ear to the ground, but you get the idea. I was intentionally focused on hearing His voice. I fasted, eliminated distractions, and beefed up my scripture reading.

 While in prayer one morning, I felt the Lord’s nudge, as he whispered with the word ‘alignment.’ 

Hmmm, Lord – what are you trying to tell me? 👀

While musing this word, the answer came while I sipped a steamy cup of green tea.🌞

Alignment. There it was again, whispered to my spirit, like a still small voice. 

I continued sipping my tea, enjoying the sweet frothy almond milk crown, (- Starbucks has nothing on me - 😆) mining bible study apps to break down this word. I found 'alignment' surprisingly apropos to many life circumstances - not just in car repair shops, or chiropractors, as I’d previously understood. 

What did I know about alignment? From a practical perspective, as a young child I observed my dad fiddle with the family car, change tires, work on the brakes and change the oil. Occasionally, he'd say the car needs to be 'aligned.' 


 So, let’s talk about alignment.

By definition, to align means to be in or come into precise adjustment or correct relative position. 

In its truest sense, being in alignment is about everything working in harmony. (Being in correct relative position.) Whether it’s your spiritual walk, your body, mind, or emotions, being in alignment is important! 

Let me share why this idea isn’t just a lofty concept but something profoundly practical for everyone, from college grads to professionals and wisdom-filled elders. (Elder, hey that’s me – Hehe! 😊)

What Printers, Cars, and Timing Belts Teach Us

Alignment isn’t just a human issue; it’s a principle that governs systems everywhere. When I mentioned the word alignment to my husband Jeff, I referred to it as getting my tires ‘aligned.’ 

He looked at me endearingly, then laughed out loud, (probably like you just did.) He then began to unpack exactly what needed to be done during a car alignment, and the reasons why a car should be aligned. (In the end it saves your tires and saves you money!) 


                     (This guy will definitely need an alignment!)

What followed was a dialog about things that need alignment; Jeff gave good points on mechanics, while I veered off to the world of writing: printers need paper alignment, margins need alignment, etc. 

And as we talked, I felt the Lord leading me to a deeper more comprehensive understanding. Let’s look at a few ways alignment shows up in our lives and why it matters so much.

Mental Alignment: Clear Your Mind

Ever feel like your thoughts are running in a million different directions?🏃🏃🏃🏃

Mental alignment is about focusing your energy on a specific task or goal. Take a student, for example, who wants to make an ‘A’ on an exam. They create a study schedule, eliminate distractions, and stick to it. That’s mental alignment in action. 🤔🤔

Excess mental stimulation can cause brain fog, uncertainty, and indecision. All too often our minds are cluttered and distracted with voices from social media, talk shows, sports shows, politics and entertainment. Spending too much time in media can tank your mental focus and attitude. Studies suggest that social media consumption as well as entertainment are leading causes of internal dissatisfaction among our youth.  Don’t lose hope, though. The ‘misalignment’ in our mental thoughts can be remedied. 

You may be wondering how is this possible, I’m so anxious?  

By aligning our thoughts to truth, studying the Bible, memorizing scripture and cultivating a relationship with Jesus, our thoughts can be transformed and re-aligned for His purpose. Paul says it a couple of different ways: 

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whosever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phil 4:8 📕

Paul also recommends that we cast down imaginations . . . . and bring every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor 10:5

Bring every thought to the subjection of Christ Jesus. That is powerful

These verses show us how to bring our thought life, i.e. our mental attitude, into alignment. When we think of pure things, that edify, build up - that bring praise, and thoughts that are true, we are realigning ourselves to Him – to Truth. By examining our thought life, we can see if they (our thoughts) are of God and/or whether they're in alignment.  

Peter said it this way: Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace, that is to be brought unto you . . . 1 Peter 1:13. In other words, get your thoughts aligned: guard your mind, be earnest in thought, and continue in hope for the grace extended to you.

Mental alignment brings clarity, discipline, and a sense of purpose to our often-chaotic lives.

Emotional Alignment: Feel What You Feel (Be angry but sin not)

We’ve all been there: we bottle our emotions or let them explode at the wrong time. Emotional alignment means being honest with yourself about what you’re feeling and expressing it in a way that’s biblically constructive. Scripture says that if a brother has resentment (or anger/hatred) against his brother, he should go to his brother and resolve the issue, BEFORE coming to the altar and offering prayer.  (gift) Matthew 5:23. 

Imagine having an open, heartfelt conversation with a loved one instead of harboring resentment. That’s emotional alignment. (Being in correct relative position.)

Further, when Peter asks Jesus how often he has to forgive his brother - eluding to seven times, Jesus' replied -> seventy times that! Meaning, as many times as you need to forgive, Peter, forgive in the name of Jesus. (Matthew 18:21)  

What we 'feel' is just that = feelings.  Emotional alignment, however, is about cultivating balance between feelings and actions. We can feel 'mad,' but harboring resentment is a sin - and sin separates us from God. 

Peter may have been ticked off at the other disciples for not 'pulling their weight,' who knows? The point is, like Peter, we need to align our anger - our emotions, in a way that pleases God. 

 The God of the universe created you, with all your quirks, and wittiness and even the parts of you, that you don't like.

 And He is the one who desires to bring you into (emotional) alignment with Him. 

How you think, feel, and process emotions impact your spiritual growth. That is why it is important to know the Word; what is true. Your emotions and feelings may try to tell you one thing, but the word of God will speak WHAT IS TRUE.  

Reading and memorizing scripture will help you process your feelings and bring emotional alignment. As you read the Word, and share your struggles in prayer, He will speak to you - bring clarity, strength - and peace. THAT's emotional alignment!

Physical Alignment: For the Love of a Good Chiropractor!

Ever had a stiff neck or a nagging backache after sitting hunched over a screen for hours? Pretty much that’s half America these days! Those small aches are a signal -> your body is crying out for alignment. Good posture—shoulders back, spine straight, head held high— is not just about looking confident. It’s about reducing strain on your muscles and joints. When you consistently submit yourself to regular ‘spinal alignment’ you’ll reap the benefits in mobility. 

In like manner, submitting to a regular 'spiritual alignment' with church attendance and worship helps readjust our hearts and minds from the barrage of debauchery we're exposed to throughout our work week. What corrective subluxation is to the spine - a 'spiritual adjustment' is to the soul: we must align ourselves with what is truly important in life: our relationship with God, and the spiritual authority God places in our life to lead us and teach us, commonly known as a pastor.  

The Spiritual Significance of Alignment

It Matters 

 I like to refer ‘alignment’ as maintaining homeostasis. Homeostasis is my internal thermostat: it regulates how I balance my day, week, month – basically every part of my life. It is my internal radar checking me to see if I’m ‘off’ somewhere – what I’ve lacked, or what I need to change to bring back order or re-balance (like a front-end alignment.)  

It’s not about achieving some impossible standard (although I do believe we need solid standards – more on that later); it’s about recognizing when things feel off and taking steps to get back on track. 

When you’re spiritually aligned, life can throw hardships your way, but because you've submitted to 'regular alignments,' and consecrated yourself through biblical teaching, you're less likely to experience the woeful pain of being permanently 'disjointed'. 

Whether it’s straightening your posture, or clarifying your goals, know this: being aligned in every other area of life will not have the same impact as spiritual alignment

-At its core, alignment - in the sense of Christian living, is a deeply spiritual concept. It's both an art and a practice, requiring humility and submission. And by living and aligning yourself to the wisdom and direction of your pastor, and the Word of God, your heart can maintain spiritual alignment. 

So, take a moment to reflect on your life. 

Is your 'gait' off? Do you need to 'course correct?'

Getting a 'spiritual adjustment' and maintaining your alignment with the body of Christ and leadership, is the best prescription for a healthy heart! 





Friday, January 10, 2025

A Brick, A Trowel, and Blood ~ Revisted

Colossians 4:6 – Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
Be mindful when among people you don’t agree; the influence of an unruly tongue can certainly whelp a tender heart.

How do you build a bridge when a heart is wounded? Pheromones rise through porous skin, emitting fear of danger - in the distance, a cry of the wounded echoes. 

Where does healing come when an unexpected gut punch renders the mind paralyzed; thoughts charge like C4. An emotional sledgehammer implodes paper, weighing the soul, keeping captive unprocessed, unpacked baggage.

How do you offer up pain? Tattered fragments of a cherished memory lay draped in ice; unspoken words frost the undoing of a special event? 

When expectations are not reality, how do we move forward? Are we handcuffed to our mistakes, failures, or indiscretions?   

 Where’s Grace? Where’s the cross and the kindness Jesus spoke about? How do we apply it to our lives, to each individual situation? How do the supernatural gifts of the Spirit level the ground of our indifferences? 

Here’s how . . .

When God looked across the sea of humanity – through all time and space, He saw a span of faces, and years passing through time; He saw the months and saw each day.  

He saw TODAY- before 'it' happened and planted Himself right in the middle of it. He watched.  He listened to each heated discussion, hoping to move healing along. 

Like the river in the Garden of Eden gave nutrients and vitality to all living things, so too does the washing of His Spirit. 

So, how do you build a 'bridge' when a fallout from disappointment has fractured relations? 

You start with a 'brick' laden with the Spirit. Trowel it with The Blood. 
Nestle each one closely - where even the slightest irregularity or margin of unevenness will seemingly autocorrect under the weight of the Blood-dipped trowel. 
Rinse the residue of resentment and unforgiving particles of bitterness, in the cleansing water of renewal.  Repeat the action until the Bridge is restored. 

When you experience an interruption to inner peace due to conflict, remember Jesus was quick to grab a towel, humble himself, and rebuild a bridge - one relationship at a time. 

Let 2025 be the year of reconciliation and repair for those who've mistakenly burned bridges, walked away, or disconnected themselves from loved ones. Allow God's love to embrace your wounds, restore inner peace, and bring healing.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Longing For . . .

 Ah, Fridays – the golden child of the week, the beacon of joy that signals the start of the weekend fiesta! Let's dive into why Fridays are the stuff of legends.

First off, let's talk about that intoxicating feeling of freedom that washes over you on a Friday morning. It's like your boss suddenly morphs into your fairy godmother - granting you a 48-hour pass to break free from the chains of work and adulting. You wake up with a grin that's so wide, it could rival the Cheshire Cat (or perhaps, Jim Carrey.)

But it's not just about escaping the grind; Fridays come bearing gifts of anticipation. 

Imagine that glorious moment when you're sipping your morning coffee, already making a mental checklist of all the epic plans you've lined up. 

Fridays whisper sweet promises of adventure in your ear, from cycling & kayaking to hiking escapades.

And let's not forget the dress code revolution that Fridays spark. Business casual? Pfft. 

On Fridays, the world transforms into a runway for casual chic, where your "I woke up like this" vibe is not only accepted but celebrated. (In truth, this was probably more of a reality during the Pandemic.) You strut into the 'virtual' office with a hoodie that says, "I'm ready for both spreadsheets and spontaneous praise dance-offs." 

Of course, the cherry on top is that Friday feeling that sweeps you up in its euphoric swell. It's like everyone's mood gets upgraded - your office turns into a mini carnival of high-fives, impromptu karaoke sessions, and the unmistakable waft of pizza lurking in the air.

But, for some of us  - Friday may elicit a desire to complete the weekend, capped in the presence of the Lord. 

Among and between the fun, laughter, and fellowship - between sips of coffee and clicks of the remote, between laundry and dinner and time with best friends; Friday sets the spiritual pace for Sundays - a day for spiritual resolution, of repentance, of unity - of coming to the knowledge that we need a Savior. 

Fridays are to connect and to have fun - yes. But Fridays are also about onboarding our soul in preparation for spiritual manna. 

So here's to Fridays - the onboarding day that leads us to the weekend, where we find rest in Him, where we find peace, and where we Sabbath.

May your Friday be filled with laughter, fun, and just a pinch of hopeful anticipation of what God will do on Sunday! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Who Ate My Turtle?

Maybe he crawled out in search of a dead moth. 

Maybe he was just lonely. 

Maybe he was rehomed, given a new place to live - lifted under the cloak of night from the comfort of his shiny ceramic bowl!  


But maybe the ‘Perp’ was hungry and had nothing to eat and tried his newly acquired YouTube culinary skills with a seasoned pot of homemade Turtle Stew. 



But maybe my turtle had nothing to do with French cuisine or the lack thereof; it's possible the Perp just wanted something different to dine on. 

Isn’t this something we can all relate?


Enjoying the same foods routinely can bring a sense of comfort. Though If you’re like many, the food circulating your dinner plate is sometimes a little, I dare say, boring.

That said, the anticipation of "normal" albeit repeated meals, provides a palatal safety net. No crossed-up taste buds fighting to name the fungus or mash dancing inside your mouth!  

There is a basic structure planned into your daily/weekly nourishment even if it does repeat itself. 

Remember Meatloaf Thursday?  Or maybe Turtle Soup in this case?

Like listening to your favorite song on Spotify OVER AND OVER AGAIN, some foods just hit that 'sweet spot' and you just want to hit 'repeat' again and again. 



What our dearly departed turtle represents is our daily need for food - sustenance - the vital nutrients which keep our tanks full, and maintain our energy.  And for many, the joy of eating comes full circle not only in variety, but in the companionship of family, and friends. 

Could it be our innate desire to enjoy fellowship around a table is born from the very breath God gave us? Consider how many times Jesus spoke about food, fellowship, or dining among friends. 



According to Strong’s concordance, there are forty-eight verses that mention the word ‘food’ in the bible. More specifically, one hundred and twelve are actual verses about food. 


The very word ‘dinner’ evokes feelings of warmth and connection, sending even the most hardened heart reminiscing - to a familial land where food and conversation are massaged like soft butter on a toasted baguette. It’s the cohesive centerpiece unifying hearts, where safety, conversation, and laughter are shared without judgment.


Maybe that’s why there are so many references to food, dining, or dinner in the bible. 


Perhaps Jesus knew just how important it was for people to 'change it up' - to dine with others, savoring tidbits of intimate conversations, a funny story, or a hearty belly laugh. He knew that between bowls of lentils, and flatbread, between Gefilte and fish sauce, daily and intentional camaraderie would be the backbone of strong friends and families.


Ecclesiastes 9:7, Psalm 107:9


Friends, whether you prefer quick food, vegan food, a great burger, or a full 6-course meal, be intentional sharing a meal with family, and new folks within your community or church family. 


You just never know; they may serve the most delish pot of homemade Turtle Soup!







Monday, December 6, 2021

Supply, Demand, Provision & Parenting


How often did you go without? Without the extras, the insignificant yet pertinent accouterments
which made your own life better, a little easier somehow? 

Tenacious budgeting kept you focused, defining need from desire - sustaining simple basic needs. 


How often did you forego so your kids could enjoy the last brownie, scoop of ice cream, or the last little bit of whatever you were hoping to save for yourself?  

Did they ever wonder from where the ‘extra’ came from for field trips, prescription medicine; the unexpected needs which popped up each and every month? 

Needs met by a caring parent without sharing details of unpaid medical bills, schoolbooks, tuition, or the need for new shoes; always shoes. 


How often did you need encouragement as a parent, juggling two jobs, a small home, and kids who needed your time and attention? 


From where did you draw your strength and grit? What source fed, blanketed, and nurtured your spirit? What breadcrumbs - the random acts of kindness, dotted your life, keeping you on track?


Could it be it was hidden? Could it be that “secret place” spoken of in His word where manna is gathered and gifted to the weary soul? Where hope envelops the spirit like woolen socks on a blistery cold day?


How often did you seemingly 'do life' – without the Father noticing your plight

Not often. Never in fact. I know this because His word is true. 


Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father? But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not, therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. 

                                                                        Matthew 6:29-31 KJV


Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered Fear not therefore; ye are of more value than many sparrows. 

                                                                            Luke 12:6-7 KJV


Unlike a few earthly fathers who may be absent, missing, uninvolved, or uncaring, your heavenly Father loves you more than you can imagine. 

He knows the number of hairs on your head and knows your needs before you even come to Him. Yet coming to him and asking, is what He wants most from you. 

                                For it is His pleasure to meet your needs.  Luke 12:32 KJV


Friend, if you’re struggling in life and would like encouragement regarding provision, take hope in the scriptures. Read them, study them, and trust God to work out your needs. 

He loves you more than you can possibly know - and always has your '6.' 

You can take that to the bank because . . . 


    You’re WAY more valuable to him than a flock of birds!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Power of a Colon


For some, reading the title of this essay may have piqued your interest.
 Is this article about health? 

Digestion? Fiber? On the contrary. 

The word colon - pronounced (co- lun,) encompasses more than one meaning. But for the sake of time and interest, allow me to share the impact one tiny punctuation mark can have.

The colon: 

Easily defined, the colon is a tiny punctuation mark in the English language. It typically precedes a list of items, a quotation, an expansion of thought, deed, or explanation. But before you stifle your next yawn and sign off to troll Facebook, IG, or social media, let’s unpack this bad boy and see how one little colon impacts and influences our natural and spiritual world. 

From January 2020 to the present, America has dealt with Covid Sars 2, or the Coronavirus Pandemic.  Beginning in Wuhan China and sweeping throughout the world, the US has had the highest infection rate, and remained the country with the most outbreaks at over 39 million, according to statistics on Reuters graphics. 

In spite of the vaccine modality in place, the Covid virus is much like a seasonal yearlong flu - except on steroids!  (PLEASE KNOW I’m not underplaying the severity or the dire consequences of any Pandemic, nor this virus, the point I’m making will be further understood as you continue reading.)

During our weekly connection, my sister Susan shared her concerns - and the constant anxiety bridling her throughout the Pandemic.  

A former service member and retired Staff Sergeant, she has seen her share of ‘ugly’ and knows all too well how to defend herself from an enemy. However, unlike her former days in Iraq where she monitored enemy whereabouts, this ‘enemy,’ Covid, is invisible. You can’t see it. One simply succumbs to its nasty fallout after it's infected your body. It continues to be the unknown variable that keeps her on edge. 

Even months after Americans stayed at home to ‘flatten-the-curve,’ people have continued to be fearful. A survey taken by a syndicated news outlet revealed the number one issue associated with the unraveling of families during Covid, and the confidence in the US economy is stress. 

Be it the burden of working from home with no childcare, homeschool issues, internet connectivity, unemployment / staying ahead of an eviction notice, or ongoing health issues from the fallout of Covid; all of it weighs heavily on a body’s natural ability to balance stress. 

Uncontrolled stress, anxiety, and fear are the opposite of trust - they’re byproducts of a life not rooted in God. 

Plainly said, it’s the antithesis of a faith-filled life.  

But before you cast a stone in my direction, please hear me out. 
I’m not saying we don’t experience stress, become fearful, or feel anxious from time to time. As a matter of fact, having a healthy sense of ‘fear’ may minimize its negative effects; fear can actually compel you to “run” during a dangerous situation - like when you see a bear approaching!

Jesus warns us in his Word that we’ll have trials, sorrow, persecution, and tribulation.  In the truest essence, viruses, diseases, and strange phenomena are not new. The Bible is not only a historical book, it’s prophetic – foretelling signs and events which will come to pass.

Consider the scripture Matthew 24:6 

And ye shall hear of wars, and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass . . . 

In this verse, nested between two thoughts, is a powerful little grammar mark – the colon. 

Jesus tells us, “See that ye be not troubled” – in simple English, “Don’t worry about it.” 

That one little colon in the middle of the sentence gives us pause and reminds us to take a breath, to look at the bigger picture; the end is not yet – it’s a sign that Jesus is coming back. 

This should encourage every believer!

Sadly, people who don’t have a relationship with God set their hopes on the things of this present world. They’re influenced heavily by media: what they watch, read, and listen to. These false protective barriers – i.e. security from fame on social media, wealth, education, or status, serve only to remind them how isolating and lonely life can be. 

In fact, the Pandemic of 2020 revealed just how Americans lived through a season of forced isolation. For many, it caused us to examine ourselves, the way we reacted to others, and how we responded: both our actions or inactions, as well as the climate of our current culture. 
Most telling was the SAH order, which revealed how resourceful and intentional we needed to be in staying connected to one another. 

That said, as the pandemic wanes, people have begun to realize where to find true value: in the love of family, friends, connections, and of faith. 

When we’re faced with fears, plagued by the news of a world spinning out of control, when we feel helpless over the future, when friends are few, and our finances are depleted, where is our strength? 
Where is our power to overcome? What is the answer? 

The answer lies in the word of God. 

In a story in the new testament, Jesus offers instruction to his disciples by telling them not to store up (save up) treasures on this earth, which will eventually decay and become moth-eaten. 
The number of followers, likes, fame, notoriety, or money in your bank account, will never gift you with inner peace. 
Only Jesus can give peace.  
He not only gives you peace, but he also gives you tools to defeat your enemy.

Jesus says, Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 

Do you see the colon in the verse? 
The words directly following it declare God’s truth: 
Nothing shall by any means hurt you. 

Luke 10:19 KJV

What is this power? How can I get it to live a bold life? 

It’s found in his WORD! His word will anchor you. 
His word will bring peace and hope. 
His Word will give you power to overcome.  

Peter tells his audience about receiving ‘this power’:  

. . . but ye shall receive power, after that the holy ghost is come upon you 

Acts 1:8 KJV
Today, if you're worried about current events, overwhelmed by doubt and fear, you can experience true peace and power simply by putting your faith in God. 

But what does that even mean?  

What does “putting my faith in God” look like?

 Simply stated, putting your faith in God happens, by obeying the gospel. 
The Gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

When we repent of our sins and ask forgiveness, it’s a form of spiritual death.  
We then are ‘buried’ when we are baptized in Jesus' Name and resurrected, or ‘come to new life,’ 
when we receive the infilling of God’s spirit. 
(The Holy Spirit, or the Holy Ghost.)  

It is upon these pillars: death, burial, and resurrection- the gospel stands.
To that end – the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ 
is the irrefutable evidence of how salvation came to earth. 

Paul explains it simply : The Gospel brings salvation.
1 Corinthians 15: 1-4

Moreover brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I have preached unto you  . . . (verse 2) By which also ye are saved . . . How that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures, and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day.

Furthermore, the gospel brings with it the expectation of a better future, a hope that things will improve; it’s the comforting assurance of brighter days ahead. 

A world where people will smile again - without fear, without a mask. 
Where neighbors will greet each other with a handshake, and share stories over coffee in living rooms or kitchens - in 'Real time' not through Zoom or Facetime, 
knowing that our heavenly Father has it all under control

This is true power. 

For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance. 
1 Thessalonians 1:5

What we have on this earth, everything we own or even aspire to own, is temporary.
Fortunate and blessed are the people who realize what’s truly important: 
faith, family & heartfelt connections. 

Friend, if you’re struggling today, low in strength, or wish you had ‘power’ to overcome, I offer you the Gospel. It gives you everything you need to live a peaceful, joy-filled, overcoming life. 

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, 
through the power of the Holy Ghost.
Romans 15:13 

This is the power behind one little colon: The Gospel.

It brings real hope.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

From the Bottom Up


They’re days when all you see 

are your own mistakes

emotional lows 

bottomed out

heart drop


 ~ never get it right. 

Trials ebb and flow

like rolling waves 

tap the shore

then recede.

In the ‘tap-out’

we realize

the beauty 

of brokenness.

Independent heart






on Him.

Oft needed occurrence

to balance life.

                                                         1 Samuel 30:6 

And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord. 


There are days when it doesn’t matter how much you ‘get it right,’ - mistakes are made, irreverent words are uttered, and our fleshly mindset drives us to react without thought. 

This is real life.

Sadly, when we enter adult life, we may not feel adequately educated, or trained to answer questions on our job. We may feel uneasy about a power point presentation, or -  heaven forbid, having to deal with a problem requiring technology beyond our knowledge base! 

Most of us may not have ‘role played’ as we grew into adulthood, asking ourselves questions in front of a full length mirror like a Jeopardy Host:  “How should l I handle myself when . . .? or, What should I say to that person after such a rude post? Should I say anything?” 

Even the best advice from a trusted source may not be ‘enough’ for the situation; it may not give you the edge you need to get through. And while it’s great to have a network of seasoned advisors – a safety net during difficult times, it’s equally important to know when to approach God in humble spirit and seek His wisdom and encouragement.  

David did. 

When the people were ready to stone him, David donned his ephod (a symbol of God) and received direction, strength and encouragement. 

The backstory of this verse (concisely paraphrased) comes on the heels of David wanting to partner in battle against the adversaries of King Achish, in Jezreel. Somehow in the translation of this partnership, the 3rd part of the fighting triad, the Philistines, don’t trust David. (With good reason, remember Goliath?) Although King Achish advises against it-the Philistines see David’s men as a threat and share their vehement distrust of him. 

Ultimately, King Achish tells David to return home to Ziklag, the city he gave him.  David listens to the king's counsel telling his men there’s been a change of plans, thus beginning a long – almost three day journey home.  

But as David and his men approach the city, he sees a faintly familiar habitation outlined by billowing smoke. It’s only then he realizes his entire camp has been pillaged, burned, and all the women and children taken captive. David’s heart sinks lower than the dust on the bottom of his feet. 

Within minutes of their arrival back to camp, his own men, the army who’d previously fought along-side, who marched with him from Jezreel To Ziklag, turn on him with accusatory remarks in mutiny like fashion. (Embellishment added for effect.)  

David knows just enough about men and ‘Alpha Male’ syndrome to nip the scenario in the bud and avoid a riotous stoning– but he’s greatly distressed knowing that he too has lost, his family –  everything. 

He didn’t have enough grace or strength to answer, console, or speak to his men.  He needed a word on what to do in his situation.  He digs deep, seeking strength for himself first, before he can answer or help his own men. David's mind had to be in a position to ‘receive’ and hear from God. 

David then goes to Abiathar the priest and asks for the ephod, a linen mantle worn only in the presence of God. Afterward, he dons the mantle, enters the presence of the Lord, and seeks solace and direction. 

*Notice he first encouraged himself in the Lord,  THEN he put on the linen ephod to seek God’s directive. 

He received his answer NOT by scrolling, or texting. But simply, by kneeling before God, asking, seeking, and waiting. 

Life will throw all kinds of difficulties at you, just like King David.  

Cruel situations happen, you'll want to ‘defend your rights’ and spout off ugly words.  Parents, co-workers, spouses, all can get so caught up in a web of distilled anger that our pleas to God are only for ‘rescue’ and ‘deliverance.' We miss the point of hearing what God has to say in the situation because we're wearing anger for ear muffs.

And while I am certain David had every right to plea and beg God for help and deliverance for his army and family; his posture for approaching God suggests that he first encouraged himself.  Then he went to the Lord humbly, seeking direction for his men.

Dear Reader, allow me to remind you of the goodness of God as you continue 'adulting' and remember that it's okay to encourage yourself. Offer God your life, job, your ministry, your family -  all the pain, and let go of any hurt blinding you to His goodness. 

May you experience renewed hope and peace, cloaked in the ephod of His presence. 

Seek Him, feel after Him. And like David, you’ll regain traction, direction, and encouragement.

God has sooo much more for you!

Need an Alignment?

During certain seasons of my life, either right before the turn of a new year, or directly afterward, the Lord will whisper a directive into...